Tuesday, November 14

Just an update on us.

Just a little update on us, I feel like I have not posted in a while. We have gooten over our colds, just in time to start getting them again, so we are all taking the precautionary measures, vitamin C, zinc, XOCAI, lots of rest and lots of fluids. Brandon is hanging in there with school, it has been a busy quarter, seems like there are tests every week which means late nights and long weekends studying. The girls and I are trying to keep busy with preschool and playgourp activities not to mention getting ready for the Holidays. The girls made thier lists to Santa today that we will be shipping off to the North Pole (Grandma's house). I went and got the big Toys r us add and let the girls cut out pics of the items they wanted and then they glued them to the paper. They both got a kick out of it. Did family home evening with the girls last night on Family rule #1, Treat others the way you want to be treat, it went well and London has been reciting the story of the Good Samaritian all day. Other than that we are just hanging out and waiting for my girlfriend Jay to have her baby, she is not due until Dec. 7th or 8th but she is already in the process, pains, dilation, sickness the all around not so fun stuff of pregnancy. We are waiting by the phone for the call or calllllssss as it seems right now, the way things are going I would not be suprised if we had a baby within the next week. Below is a pic of the girls working with thier daddy on the horse that my dad made for London. The seat finally rock off and we had to rescrew it back on, London wanted to be Bob the builder and found her working goggles. The other pic is of some of London's school artwork from September and October. I get to work in the class on Thursday for one of the Thanksgiving feasts. London's class get to take thier turns as being Native Americans so look forward to some new pics. That is all for now, hope we are all caught up on the weeks events. One more thought, thank goodness for family and good friends who help you throught the rought spots.


Aub said...

Amen to your last thought! I love looking at all of the things London makes. It gives me ideas of what to do with Riley!

Anonymous said...

A) you have GOT to stop saying stuff like that to Jay. She won't have the baby til' December 9th... or the 14th, really. And then if it comes early, you'll all just be pleasantly surprised. :D
B) LOVE that shot of the girls working on the horse. What a memory!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and I need to do that toys r us thing, That's a fun weekend activity. Smart thinkin'.
It would also be really cute to scan it in and include it on a scrapbook page on what santa REALLY brought. :) (because Conner keeps telling me he wants a slurpee maker, and I said that Santa doesn't have the tools to make such an item).