Friday, August 17

Gratitude & Compassion

Alright it is count down time, and trust me the time is going slow, especially due to the fact that I am a miserable mess. Luckily for me I have lots of friends and family willing to help. I have about three weeks left now and progressing slowly. My mother was gracious enough to take my two little ones to Gradmy's house for a couple of days so I could get some rest and relaxation. As I have been in so much uncomfortalness I have been pondering the thought of why we do this? I had a complete melt down a few days ago partly becuase I was exhuasted and partly from pain I have been encuring and realized I have absolutely no control over my body right now. If it is not the child on that I am carrying taking hold of me it is my other two pulling me in every which way. So I have been thinking a lot on motherhood (also thanks to Young Women's Personal Progress goals, and compassion. I have been trying to have an attitude of compassion towards my little ones becuase in all reality being a mother is an everyday miracle. If you take the time to sit back and see the millions of small miracles that happen in our homes everyday. From the sweet hugs and kisses in the morning, to a look of accomplishment when your two year old flushes the toilet or your four year old drew a self portrait. I have tried to have an attitude of compassion towards my girls in hopes to see more of the little miracles that focus on my miserey.


Hilary said...

It's ALL about the attitude... amazing what an attitude shift will do.
The hard part is shifting.
I think my clutch is broken. :)

JaY said...

You are almost there. Hang in there. Your baby is going to be so beautiful and wonderful. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, sometimes you are so WISE for such a youngster. I'm glad that you can step back and see just how beautiful children really are, that's not easy to do, especially when you are not feeling too well. Hang in there and let me know if I can help you. If you need me to, I can even come out for a few days and give you a rest from the other girls. Love Mom B